Pacific Gas & Electric

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ERG Eligibility Requirements

Who can Apply?

  • Student or parent/guardian must reside in PG&E territory, established by the address that is provided.
  • PG&E dependents are eligible to apply for all scholarships. For PSEA, applicants must be a dependent.
  • If a student does not meet all eligibility criteria for a scholarship, they will not be considered for an award.
  • No ERG scholarships have gender or race requirements.

What do we need from you?

  • Documentation: upload unofficial transcripts.
  • References: Provide the names and current emails of two references.
  • Interview: An interview may be requested by an ERG, as a follow-up to receiving the application.
  • The application is due March 15, 2024.

How do you apply?

  • Students must fill out the application. No parental assistance provided, please.
  • Pride Network ERG applies elsewhere.

What if you are selected?

  • Scholarship awards are mailed directly to school financial aid office. We do not distribute awards to student or family. If you win a scholarship, you will be asked to provide your student ID in order to receive the award.